Find a where used list of a planning area in DP
This document will help you to find the where used list of the planning area in process chain steps in DP. List of process types considered: SCM_DP003 Initialize (Create Time Series Objects) SCM_DP004 Deintitialize (Delete Time Series objects) SCM_DP005 DP Background Processing SCM_DP007 Load Data from InfoCube SCM_DP008 Copy Planning Version SCM_DP010 Time Series consistency Check Selection: Enter planning area in selection screen and execute, you will get the where used list of the planning area in process chains. *&———————————————————————* *& Report ZBTP_PA_WHERE_USED_LIST *& *&———————————————————————* *& This report is used to find the where used list of the planning area *& in the process chains *&———————————————————————* REPORT zbtp_pa_where_used_list. *Types-pool TYPE-POOLS: slis. *Selection s...